Honda is challenging the prevailing trend of bulky electric vehicles with its upcoming 0 series EVs, aiming to generate excitement with this new approach.

At CES 2024, Honda showcased two concept vehicles, the Saloon and Space-Hub, and announced the debut of its first commercial 0 series EV in North America for 2026. The Saloon concept, which will be the basis for Honda’s first 0 series model, is a sleek and spacious EV with a sporty feel, reminiscent of futuristic movie aesthetics. The Space-Hub, on the other hand, presents a more family-oriented, van-like design, described humorously by TechCrunch’s Alex Wilhelm as a “weird fish bowl.”

Shinji Aoyama, a Honda executive, claimed these concepts stand out distinctly from other EVs. However, it’s common for concept vehicles to undergo significant changes to meet practicality and market demands before commercial launch.

In its announcement, Honda critiqued the current trend in EV design, emphasizing the need for lighter, more efficient vehicles. Toshihiro Mibe, Honda’s global CEO, emphasized creating a new standard with the Honda 0 EV series, focusing on “thin, light, and wise” designs. This approach addresses concerns about the increasing weight of EVs, which impacts pedestrian safety and demands larger batteries and more energy.

Details about the first 0 series models remain vague, with only brief statements from Honda available. Despite expressing a desire for lighter vehicles, Honda recently discontinued the lightweight Honda e.

The Saloon features sustainable materials in both its exterior and interior, but Honda has not disclosed specific details about these materials, nor whether they will be used in the commercial launch of the 0 series.

Honda, which has been somewhat behind in the electric vehicle market, also recently ended a joint venture with GM to develop “affordable” electric vehicles. However, the company is set to launch an electric Prologue this year and aims to introduce 30 EVs by 2030. The 0 series launch represents a significant milestone for Honda, offering a glimpse into its electrified future, albeit with limited information at this stage.




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